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Last Updated on February 27, 2021 by giftspotter
Punk is not dead! Yeah, I know I’m not the first one who told you this, and it’s better for you to expect me not to be the last one. I’m saying this because there are still a lot of punks, even if they don’t seem to be as loud as when they were young. You probably have one in your neighborhood – I know I do.
Some of them are still absolutely into it, because, the punk is a way of life. Some of them have nice jobs, families, cars, and houses, but if you take a closer look at their ears you’ll notice the traces of safety pins. Also, you’ll notice the trace of nostalgia at every mention of “good old times” when beer and pogo were all that matters.
Now if you want to buy a gift for an “old” punk, what would it be? We’ve made the list of best gifts per our choice. Take a look and tell us what you think. And don’t forget – punk is not dead.
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Spiked Choker Necklace
What is punk without a spiked choker necklace? It’s unavoidable detail of punk fashion for both, girls and boys. Even if your punk is not going to wear it daily, it’s still made with that purpose in mind. Back in the late ’70s / beginning of the ’80s, it was a kind of exotic piece of punk outfit, and if he or she hasn’t saved an old one, this one is going to bring some memories to the table.
Anyway, it will surely be a nice refreshing addition to its collection of punk memorabilia.
Ramones T-shirt
Hey, ho, let’s go would be enough to describe what this t-shirt is about. Ramones are the punk rock legends who made a huge impact on whole generations of musicians. Their music is so recognizable and authentic that you just can’t mix it up with someone else. There is no punk rocker who doesn’t have at least one of their t-shirt, and the one that doesn’t have its favorite song of Ramones. Yeah, you can’t go wrong with Ramones.
Punk: Notebook
We’re running for better work, higher paychecks, a larger home, faster car, but when it all settles down, it’s all about memories of good old days. An old punk from my neighborhood would tell me “please, don’t be so pathetic”, but even he knows how right I am.
If your punk rocker has a good habit of making notes, or he or she ever wishes to write down his or her memories, this notebook will be a nice fit. The punk on the covers will maybe wake up the punk inside.
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Punk Studded Bracelets
I don’t plan to tamper you to make a Mohawk hairstyle, but there are some other less extreme punk fashion details. Here we have another one, and I must note it was pretty unavoidable back in the punk era. It’s a leather studded bracelet, and it’s not just one, it’s six of them.
Your punk can keep them in a closet in case that she/he wishes to wear them when the middle-age crisis strikes. On the other side, maybe your punk still attends punk events during weekends. In that case, these bracelets are going to be a nice addition to his punk superhero costume.
Dead Kennedys Men's Holiday in Cambodia Slim Fit T-Shirt Banana
While we’re still at the punk fashion, here is another piece to remind us of one more punk rock classic. It’s Holiday in Cambodia, punk evergreen by Dead Kennedys, another bedrock of punk music and culture. While the t-shirt might look too bright to you, I think your punk will know how to properly read the irony behind the design. I have the other consideration in mind, though. Will this slim-fit t-shirt fit your punk rocker?
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Punk's Not Dead – Documentary
Now, let’s get into more serious things. If you haven’t yet, now is the time to watch this intelligent documentary on punk culture. It features a whole bunch of bands I haven’t mentioned in this article – it would take too long to list all the mugs, t-shirts, and other memorabilia. It’s intelligent, containing less-known behind-the-scene anecdotes, and features a killer soundtrack that will make the blood in your veins boil again.
Punk: The Whole Story
Another nice reminder of the punk era came out on the 30th anniversary of the rise of punk rock, back in 2006. It’s the collection of articles, interviews, and photographs from Mojo magazine with the foreword written by Debbie Harry (yeah, that hot blonde from Blondie, we were all dreaming about).
This book will surely show you useful insights into how it all looked. Anyway, it’s always nice to have a systematic overview of all the most important moments of such phenomenon that changed the world, like punk surely did.
Punk Rock: So What?: The Cultural Legacy of Punk
In the end, after you’ve watched the documentary and chronologically went through all the important moments of punk (and your personal) history, it’s time to take your punk experience to another level. This book shows how punk became a serious thing that has its place in the history of music, art, and culture.
It’s enough to note that the punk movement occupied even the thought of academics. Actually, this book is written by them. It seems that three-chord songs opened a lot of important questions like personal and sexual freedoms, and had a more significant impact on the whole culture than anyone could foresee (including its own participants).
What to say but 'Punk is not dead'!
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